Monday, July 21, 2014

Spunday (just one day late) 7/20/14

With just one week left of Tour de Fleece I don't think I will be able to finish spinning and plying my current fiber.  When I first realized this, I was a little disappointed.  Last year I was able to spin and ply 4oz and I was pretty much a newbie at it.  It wasn't until after I looked at the little bit of leftover yarn from last year's skein that I had that "duh" moment.  Of course it will take me longer, I am able to spin much finer compared to last year.  

Jess's Tour de Fleece yarn from 2013-Gale's Art Corriedale

I finished my first single during the week and wound it on my toilet paper bobbin.  I doubled it over on itself so I could get an idea of how the yarn will look when I ply it and I think it might end up being a fingering weight, maybe even a light fingering weight.  It's neat to look back at the 3 other skeins I spun and see how my consistency keeps getting better.  The Knitmore Girls had talked about how every time you spin fiber and make a skein of yarn, it should be your favorite that you have spun.  Every time I spin, I learn something new and I improve compared to the skein before it.  I am really enjoying sitting in my rocking chair, spinning on my spindle, knowing that after I am finished, I will be able to knit with it and enjoy it all over again.

This weekend, I didn't get to spin as much as I would have liked.  Friday & Saturday were spent re-organizing the entire kitchen and creating a little coffee bar out of my Nana's old bookcase.  

Jess's coffee bar
I did spin one color change and part of another so there is some progress.

Hopefully I can get in more spinning time during my lunches and breaks this week.

I am amazed that I have been spinning at all. Between getting my house ready to put on the market and packing to move to the new house I have been BUSY.  Spinning has been a good stress relief for me, so I am glad that I have been able to keep up with it.  I have a few finished yarns to share.  I have one more plied up yarn that is still on the bobbin that will just have to wait until next week.

First I wanted to show how my Into the Whirled Polwarth looked like off the bobbin.
So this is the pic that I shared last time:
This is what it looks like after it has been soaked and snapped
Next I spun up my first 3 ply, this is Knitting Knorth 100% BFL in blues and purples
So far this Tour I have spun up all the fibers that I had planned to spin, and one extra braid. I also made sure that my fiber stash is completely up to date on Ravelry (I had to add 5 fibers....).  So now I just need to finish the yarn I plied yesterday and start something new tomorrow. I am not sure that I will have any more FOs for the Tour, but I am proud of how much I have achieved.

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