"In 2014 I want to:
- knit 12 pairs of socks
- knit 10 charity hats
- knit 1 adult sweater
- learn fair isle
- learn how to felt
- knit charity toys"
-Jess December 29, 2013
Hmm...yeah. I knit 14 pairs of socks (and a half...), One charity hat, half of an adult sweater (curse you lace weight stockinette stitch sweater of doom!), I kinda learned stranded colorwork, I did learn how to felt and I knit a couple of toys that I donated to the angel tree at church.
2014 was a bit overwhelming. I was trying to balance housework, my desk job, forgiving people, knitting, swaps, and a minor medical issue. I didn't finish some of the goals on my list, but I am so happy with what I was able to accomplish. I put alot of extra pressure on myself that wasn't on the list, so in 2015 I am going to go easy on myself. I need to not spend every extra minute with my knitting needles so I can go back to loving it.
In 2015 I want to:
- Finish all the things (adrift cardigan from hell, gingerbread lane cross stitch, halloween town cross stitch, Jen's Wild Thing)
- Make some progress on my Sock Yarn Blanket. I will not let it sit in the closet in my craft room all year. I'm not going to make myself knit x amount of squares, but I want to make some sort of effort to work on it each month.
- knit 12 (or more) pairs of socks
- try to read more (aiming for 1 book a month)
- organize (and keep organized) my stash
- learn how to use my sewing machine
- drink more water
- Eat out less, cook more. I want to try to utilize my cookbooks and recipes saved on Pinterest,
- Focus on the happier things. Jen and I made Happy Memory jars where we will write things down on pretty paper that made us happy throughout the year. When the year is over, we can look back at what a wonderful year we had.
My goals for 2014 ~ Jen
- 12 pairs of socks
- knit 1 adult sweater
- make a pair of fair isle mitts (to learn fair isle)
- work on my sock yarn blanket
- end up with negative yardage of yarn at the end of the year
- continue learning more about spinning and try a different method to ply (like n-ply)
So I ended up with 24 socks done at the end of 2014. 11 pair, and one of each of two other pair. So I call that close enough! I did not knit another adult sweater, but I did get the yarn to make one, and in fact I will be casting it on in the next day or two heh. I did make a pair of fair isle mitts, and I can see more of those in my future. I worked on my sock yarn blanket and successfully added 185 squares to my blanket! Unfortunately I did not end up with negative yardage at the end of the year. I destashed quite a bit of yarn, and knit 12,730 yards of yarn too! But between some sock yarn purchases and a sweater quantity of yarn at the end of the year, I ended up with more yarn coming in, then going out. I am still proud of how much yarn I used that I already owned, and by buying for specific projects more. I continued to spin, but I did not attempt to n-ply. I did do my first 3 ply though.
Of the 12,000 + yards I knit up and the 57 projects included:
Of the 12,000 + yards I knit up and the 57 projects included:
- 11 pair of socks
- 6 shawls
- 5 toys
- 12 preemie hats for the local NICO
- 2 scarves - Dr. Who and DNA
- variety of other hats, washcloths, blanket squares for charity
2014 had its ups and its downs, but I am happy to see it go. I am looking forward to a fresh start in the new year. I am trying to have a few goals to work towards, but also plan to try to live life each day as it comes. Here are some of my goals for 2015
- Finish up the WIPs that I have on the needles (My Traveling Woman shawl that I started last March...., and the two pair of socks I have started), and for cross stitch (OUAT December square, 12 days of Christmas)
- Knit 12 pair of socks
- Make the quilt kit that I bought from Chicken Boots
- Learn more about spinning and continue learning new techniques
- Along with Jess I plan to focus more on the positive in life. I already added something to my Happy memories jar this morning!
We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe new year's and that 2015 is the best year yet!